The general objective of the conference ist o create a platform to discuss and explore
pathways and opportunities to future jobs for the youth. The Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA), under Kenya’s MTP IV (2023-2027),

Main Session

This will entail broad discussions on specific conference sub themes.

Through common session, presentations and discussions will set pace for sub sections to be discussed at the parallel sessions.

The common session will also provide an opportunity for presentation of deliberations from parallel and break away sessions.

Breakaway Sessions

These will provide an opportunity for presentation of the KIPPRA-Wide Survey policy research work on the conference theme. Additionally, selected researchers who will have successfully gone through the review process and completed their papers will have a chance to present their work during the sessions

Plenary Sessions

All panels will entail themed and guided discussions. The thematic areas will be in line with objectives set for the conference. Plenary sessions will be engaging and interactive, allowing adequate time for participants to ask questions and contribute to the discussions.

Previous Conference Proceedings

Since the inception of the KIPPRA Annual Regional Conference (KARC) in 2018, KIPPRA has held Seven (7) Annual Regional conferences focusing on different themes. For more information on the past conference proceedings, click on the fliers.